NYC Systems

February 22nd, 2024 Talks

We are excited to announce the first night of talks in the NYC Systems series! Talks are agnostic of language, framework, operating system, etc. And they are focused on engineering challenges, not product pitches.

We are pleased to have Paul Butler and Stefan Karpinski speak, and glad to have Trail of Bits as a partner for the venue.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP below!

You Might Not Need a CRDT: Document Sync in the Wild

Paul is a co-founder of Jamsocket, which provides infrastructure for scaling WebSocket services. He also writes the Browsertech Digest. Prior to that, he was a quant at Two Sigma and an engineer at Google.

Conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) are a family of data structure commonly associated with the real-time state synchronization functionality of applications like Google Docs and Figma, neither of which actually use CRDTs!

Paul will explain the basics of CRDTs, when they are useful, and what people use instead when they aren’t.

Floating Point Ranges (in Julia) by Stefan Karpinski

Stefan is one of the co-creators of the Julia programming language and a co-founder of Julia Computing, Inc., which provides support, consulting and training for commercial usage of Julia. He previously worked as a software engineer and data scientist at Akamai, Citrix Online, and Etsy. In addition to running Julia Computing, Stefan has a part-time appointment as a Research Engineer at New York University as part of the Moore-Sloan Data Science Initiative.
