NYC Systems

August 15, 2024 Talks

We are excited to announce the fourth night of talks in the NYC Systems series! Talks are agnostic of language, framework, operating system, etc. And they are focused on engineering challenges, not product pitches.

We are pleased to have Jonathon Belotti and Sam Arch speak, and glad to have Trail of Bits as a partner for the venue.

RSVP here.

Fast, lazy container loading in

Jonathon Belotti is a software engineer at Modal Labs working on its multi-tenant container runtime specialized for generative AI applications. Prior to moving to Modal, he led ML Platform and banged on build systems at Canva in Sydney.

Outside of work he's on his best behavior so they don't send him back to Australia.

Talk info

In this talk Jonathon will show how low serverless 'cold starts' can get with FUSE, NVMe disks, and public cloud blob storage services. He'll take you through the high-level before getting into the performance grind of mount option configuration, caching, prefetching, and file system selection.

Dear UDFs, I Broke Up With You, But Now I'm Ready To Give You A Second Chance. Will You Take Me Back? Sincerely, SQL

Sam is a second-year PhD student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Prof. Andy Pavlo and Prof. Todd Mowry. Sam's research interests are at the intersection of compilers and database systems, with a specific focus on improving the performance of SQL queries that invoke user-defined functions (UDFs). Before starting grad school, Sam worked as a Compiler Engineer at Apple, where he helped ship Metal-accelerated rendering in Blender 3.1. Before that, Sam completed his undergraduate degree at The University of Sydney, Australia.