NYC Systems

April 18, 2024 Talks

We are excited to announce the second night of talks in the NYC Systems series! Talks are agnostic of language, framework, operating system, etc. And they are focused on engineering challenges, not product pitches.

We are pleased to have Neil Ramaswamy and Jimmy Zelinskie speak, and glad to have Trail of Bits as a partner for the venue.

Correct and low-latency real-time streaming joins

Neil Ramaswamy is a software engineer at Databricks, where he works on Apache Spark Structured Streaming. He recently graduated from Brown University, where he rewrote the distributed systems course, contributed to Brown’s teaching operating system, and researched secure persistent memory with Maurice Herlihy.

In this talk, Neil will explain the main complexities of the real-time SQL engines that power features like live-traffic maps (e.g. Google Maps), recommendation systems (e.g. TikTok), and much more. He'll discuss how these engines handle streaming aggregations, and then confront the magnificent subtleties of correct (and efficient!) streaming outer joins.

Designing & Running Low-latency Systems on Kubernetes

Jimmy Zelinskie is a software engineer and product leader with the goal of empowering the world through the democratization of software through open source development. He's currently the CPO and cofounder of authzed where he's focused on bringing hyperscaler authorization best-practices to the industry at large.

At CoreOS, he helped pioneer the cloud-native ecosystem by starting and contributing to many of its foundational open source projects. After being acquired by Red Hat, his focus shifted to the enablement and adoption of cloud-native technologies by enterprises. To this day, he continues contributing to the cloud-native ecosystem by building the future on top of these technologies and maintaining standards such as Open Container Initiative (OCI).